Our website is in the process of being rebuilt and things may now work fully yet. Check out our new website project progress.

The CarrickDojo Website


With our website's 10 year birthday coming this year, we decided to move away from WordPress for our website, and create a new site in HTML and CSS based on the Raspberry Pi Web Design Projects that can be administered by the Ninjas directly.

There is a wealth of amazing resources from CoderDojo and the Raspberry Pi projects pages on web design. Our site has been built using parts from lots of different projects.

By writing the carrickdojo.com in HTML and CSS, Ninja's can inspect the pages and follow the code. We welcome everyone to make changes and add content to our site and help improve it.

Website Goals

  • Have a website so people can learn about our Dojo, what we do and how to join or help out.
  • Write the website code in HTML and CSS to better align with the Raspberry Pi Web Design projects.
  • Ensure best practices with a child-first led approach to data and content that is understandable by everyone.
  • Make the website accessible ensuring visitors can navigate our website and access our content with screen readers and other technologies.
  • Design the website with a similar style to the CoderDojo foundation website.
  • Document our website from first-principles with the aim of Ninja's being able to get further involved.

A Little Bit of Web History

The World Wide Web

Our website is for sharing information with anyone who wants to know more about what we are and what we do.

Before we jump into our web site, we need to know a little bit about what web sites are, why they were created like they are and how can people make their own webs pages.

Why did we need webpages?

In the late 1980's lots of people where sharing their work with each other by sending text files over the Internet. They wanted a way to share files that could link (hyperlinks) to other peoples files.

The World Wide Web was developed at CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research) by Tim Berners-Lee and his team between 1989-1991. In the proposal, Tim lays out the need and the benefits of linked information systems and hypertext. His idea of "a web of notes with links (like references) between them".

How do webpages work?

There are four keys parts to the world wide web.

  • The browser - this is software for our computers for viewing webpages. For me this is Firefox (Brave, Chrome, Edge, Safari and Opera and all browsers)
  • The web pages - these are the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) files we create for our websites containing the information we want to share (you are currently visiting the HTML page called our-website.html)
  • The server - the server is where we put our webpages (this website is using a Vercel server with more detail in the hosting section)
  • The web protocol - a protocol is a set of rules to follow. The HyperText Transfer Protocol is a set of rules used by browsers and web servers to communicate and transfer the HTML pages over the Internet (this website uses HTTPS a secure HTTP connection)

The World Wide Web was originally created for use within CERN, however they realised other people would pay to use it. CERN licenced the World Wide Web for the first few years competing with other linked information systems. In April 1993, CERN released the World Wide Web into the public domain. Thousands of websites popped up within a year.

  • The first ever website went live in August, 1991
  • The milestone of 1 billion websites was reached in September 2014
  • There were around 1.2 billion websites at the end of 2023
  • There were around 200 million active websites at the end of 2023 (about 4/5 of websites are inactive)
  • Approximately 150,000 new websites are created everyday

The Web is an essential part of the modern world and everyday, the majority of people in the world use it. When developing websites, learning the history helps us to understand why things are as they are. The original idea of the web never considered using images (and definitely not video); over the last three decades, countless people have extended the Web beyond anything that was originally considered.

Our Website Layout

Our Home Page

When you go to carrickdojo.com , your web browser will automatically look for a page called index.html and if it exists it will display it.

There is no rule to say browsers should do this, but it became a convention (a way of doing things) because it made sense and so all browsers choose to do this.

Our index.html is also called our homepage and is our most important page as it will be viewed by most of our visitors.

Site Map

We can create any page we want for carrickdojo.com. You are currently reading the page our-website.html in our guides folder. A website is a collection of different pages and folders of pages that we host on a web server.

As some websites can grow to be hundreds or thousands of pages, it is good to have a map. We call the website map a sitemap and it just lists all the pages we have and the folders they are in.

A sitemap can be very useful for people working together on a website, but it is especially useful for bots. Bots are automated software programs that crawl the Internet for new pages and content. Some bots are useful and needed to create search engines and map the Internet; and some are bad, looking to steal sensitive user information or other malicious activities.

There are no rules on the layout and folder structure of website and there are lots of different approaches.

  • index.html
  • 404.html
  • about.html
  • charter.html
  • contact.html
  • mentors.html
  • ninjas.html
  • privacy.html
  • projects.html
  • resources.html
  • safeguarding.html
  • site.html
  • support.html
  • guides
    • our-website.html
    • our-hosting.html
    • our-style-guide.html
  • css
    • default.css
    • animations.css
    • fonts.css
    • helpers.css
    • layout.css
    • shapes.css
    • projects.css
  • images
      • coderdojo
      • logos
      • projects
  • fonts
    • ... our font files

All our main HTML pages sit in the root folder along with folders for css, fonts, images and guides. The root folder is the name given to the first or top-most directory in a hierarchy. It can be likened to the trunk of a tree, as the starting point where all branches originate from it.

Page Layout

HTML is all about layout and how content gets displayed on a page. Most modern web development frameworks help programmers write less code and a core principle of coding is DRY (Do Not Repeat Yourself).

We are not using any frameworks and have no simple way to create reusable components without increasing our website complexity. This means we need to write the header, navigation bar and footer for each page.

Page Components

Page components or page elements are the main building blocks of our website. They consist of our header, navigation, main section, (possible a side section) and a footer.

  • At the top of each page is the header. We are using this currently to alert people the site is under development.
  • Below the header comes our navigation bar. This component uses a small bit of Java Script to handle the mobile screen menu.
  • There are two types of main section that we use. Our standard main displays just a single column (like our homepage). We use a main with aside to create pages with a left hand navigation section (just like this page).
  • Our footer sits at the bottom of the page and is the same across all pages. It contains are key links and information on getting in touch.

Our Style

While HTML is all about the layout of our content, CSS is about how it looks.

Each page loads the main.css file from our css folder and uses it for styling the content. If this file is not loaded, our site will look very messy.

Our main.css file calls other css files for handling different areas of our styling. We have a css file called colours.css that we use to store all our colours and colour schemes together. Likewise, we have a fonts.css file to keep all our font css together.

Having lots of little css files can be a bad thing for the performance of our site as the main.css needs to load before it, goes looking for the extra css files. We have separated the css in order to make it easier to manage and for new people to understand as opposed to one giant css file.

Our Website Code

All the files that makeup are website, including all the images, the fonts and all the HTML and CSS, are all stored together in a software repository. We store our software repository (or repo) on the Internet and we use a tool called Git to manage and track the changes made.

What is Git?

Git is a system designed to help people collaborate (work together) on shared files and code.

Git is a version control system. This means if someone changes a file it records the differences between the new version and the old version, and maintains a history.

A Git Repository (a repo) is folder or collection of files that are being tracked with Git. All the files HTML, CSS and image files for this website are in our Website Git Repository on Github.

Git works across platforms and can be used on Windows, Mac OS and Linux however each has slightly different methods of installing.

With Git installed, you can open a terminal (command prompt) and use the command git clone https://github.com/carrickdojo/carrickdojo-website.git. This will pull copy our public software repo to your computer.

Pushing Code

In order to make changes to our website repo, you will need access granted by the CarrickDojo webmaster. We encourage all ninja's to contribute to our website once we are happy they understand our Internet Usage Policy and the CoderDojo Charter.

You need a GitHub account in order to push code to our website repo. Once you accept the invite to our repo, you will have the necessary rights.

Contributors should always use comments in the code and the commit in order to help others understand the changes.

Our Website Hosting

Hosting Websites

The Internet is open to everyone and anyone with a computer and a connection to the Internet can host their own website.

There are lots and lots of companies that provide web hosting services.

Our Website Hosting

For the development of the site, we have decided to use Vercel. Vercel are the developers of Next.Js and provide a very good free tier offering that does not require a credit card.

vercel logo

Key reasons for going with Vercel:

  • The free tier hobby account should meet our traffic needs.
  • Integration with Github - when we update our Website Git Repo, Vercel will see the changes, and deploy a new version of our site.
  • Following Domain Verification, HTTPS is automatic.
Our hosting

Website Hosting Access

Our website hosting is authenticated through email and can be accessed by anyone with access to the webmaster@carrickdojo.com emails.

The hosting is currently pulling the main (only branch) of our website software repository from Github. We may update this at a later point, but for the time being the main branch is automatically deployed when updated.

It should not be necessary to make changes to the hosting, however ensuring access before committing code to the software repository will allow for an instant rollback if necessary.

Our Domain Name

Our Domain Name

Our domain name is carrickdojo.com; our first Dojo Champion registered the domain on Friday 21st of November 2014.

Domain names provide us a way to create helpful names for Internet resources so we can easily remember them.

Domain names are older than webpages and one of the key parts of the Internet.

To understand this more, we need to learn a little bit about the Domain Naming System (normally just called DNS).

Domain Naming Service

When computers talk to each other over the Internet, they all use the Internet Protocol (IP) a set of rules everyone agreed to.

Each computer has an IP address that is unique to that computer just like a telephone has a unique telephone number.

DNS allows us to assign real names to a computer resources so we don't need to remember all the different IP addresses of the different servers.

Our webserver has an IP address of It is a lot easier for me to tell people our website is at www.carrickdojo.com and not

DNS can be looked at like a phone book for all the different computer IP addresses.

Updating our DNS Records

Anyone can lookup the records of a domain as the information has to be public in order to function and allow visitors to find Internet resources.

  • Our DNS records contain an A record that tells users our website (carrickdojo.com) is at This points to Vercel our web hosting provider.
  • The second entry is an MX (a mail exchanger) record that points our users to our email server for (carrickdojo.com) managed by Microsoft.
  • The third record is a CNAME (Canonical Name) record that tells users trying to access www.carrickdojo.com to use the same record as carrickdojo.com. This prevents users getting a page not found, if they go to www.carrickdojo.com they are redirected to our site carrickdojo.com.

Creating HTML Files

HTML is a simple, plain text file written in a particular way (syntax) that has a file extension (the last bit of the file name after the last dot) of HTML.

HTML is a very forgiving. This means, if you make a mistake with the HTML syntax, the browser will still try and display the content. This makes it easier for people new to computers to get started.

When HTML was released, a lot of computer scientists at the time thought it was very bad the code would continue to run if a bug was found and that only an error message should be displayed.

Every computer can create plain text files, and we can create web pages in any text editor; however there are tools that make web development easier and more accurate.

Creating CSS Files

Just like HTML, CSS is a simple, plain text file written in a particular way (syntax) that has a file extension (the last bit of the file name after the last dot) of CSS.

All our content goes in the HTML page and we use HTML tags to layout it out on our page. For example, this paragraph is written within our HTML file.

CSS is used apply style to the content in our HTML files. for example, to alter the font, colour, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add a n n i m a t i o n s and other decorative features.

Code Editors

There are multiple tools for creating HTML pages online. Many of the older Raspberry Pi Web Design projects used Trinket; however a newer tool has recently been launched. This is a great tool for getting started and is used in newer projects.

A code editor is a piece of software used by a programmers for writing code. They generally contain lots of different tools and features for checking for code mistakes and making writing code faster.

For working on websites, my preference is Visual Studio Code, a free, open source, and cross-platform code editor created by Microsoft.

Anyone can write an extension (extra code and functionality) for Visual Studio Code and there are lots of really useful tools written by other programmers.

  • Live Server - this allows us to quickly create a webserver on our computer so we can test our code.
  • Github Integration - we can share our code with the rest of our team easily (full details in the Git section)
  • Prettier - makes our code look nice with different colours for elements and tags.

Making Changes

No one should worry about breaking the website by making changes. We use Git so we can easily roll back anything that causes problems!

Updating a Section

When we make a change to a section of our website in our code editor, Git will automatically see the change as a difference in our local code and the main branch it came from.

When using Visual Studio, we can click on the source control menu to see the changes that have been made.

In order for our changes to be added to the main website repo, we have to push our changes. First of all we create a 'commit' containing the changes with a message on what they are.

Git commit

We commit our changes, and then sync our changes. This is we push our code to our main repo.

Adding a Page

When adding a page, we will may need to add it to our navigation or footer section as a link.

The way our site is written, we do not have re-useable components and if for example you need to make a change to the footer, this change will need to be made within each footer on every page with the footer.

Building Websites

Building website is great fun and a really useful skill. We couldn't possibly provide instructions on how to do even a small fraction of what is possible with the web.

Some of the best places to learn more on how to build websites and web components are: